What I'll be committing to is a 31 day challenge, finishing on the 24 of July.
I'm going to do a hour of meditation each day, and I'll also be recording each session and posting them to my YouTube channel - NattyWolfGainz
There's already a few up so please do check those out if you are interested.

In each session I'll give a short talk about the fundraiser challenge and the charity breathworks, then I'll lead a short settling into the meditation for those who might want to also take part with me.

Thank you for just checking out my fundraiser page
It really is a great cause, there are so many people struggling with physical and or mental health issues, and I personally know from my own experience that so many could benefit from just having more opportunities available for when they want to explore mindfulness and how it might help them.

A bit about me and why I'm taking part in this fundraiser -
I'm a practicing Buddhist and have been mediating for over 5 years now,
I'm very grateful for the Breathworks charity, the community is great and it's helped me and so many others in so many ways, I just want to give back and more.

It's really been an amazing space for me to learn, make new friends and practice mindfulness with others, it's changed and added to my life in so many ways.

I first got started by attending an online zoom course called - Mindfulness for Health. It was a great course spread over 6 to 8 weeks, done in 1 to 2 hour sessions each week, with so much great information shared by many great teachers :)

I found Breathworks through the Nottingham Buddhist centre, and a few people there spoke with me about the charity and the courses they did.
At first I thought it wasn't for me as my financial situation was such that I had to start using food banks, but then I was told about the bursary places given on courses for people in need and so I applied.

I'm so happy to have taken part in that first course
I've gotten so much from that course, many other online events I've taken part in and being part of the breathworks community.
As I've said, I now want to give back and do more.

With boundless blessings of metta to you all
- Nat Nathanael Wheeler