I have a nursing background and unfortunately injured my back in the 1st year of my training, this became a chronic painful condition (occupational hazard so it got worse as I accumulated more injuries over the next 25 years) which I still have today. I have never had surgery but, as an operating theatre nurse, had witnessed enough surgical interventions to be certain that orthodox medical treatments were not for me.

Eventually, having tried everything else, I signed up for a 10 week mindfulness course, 1-2-1 with an amazing teacher and, by the end of this course, my back pain of 20 years was gone. So, cured.... I fell out of the habit of doing my daily meditations and mindful movement and went back to living my life as I had before. Not wise but a lesson all the same. A few years later, I was made redundant which was quite a stressful experience, so I did another course, this time Mindfulness for Stress and, not only could I manage my stress much more effectively, but my back pain disappeared. This was a bit of a ‘moment’ for me as I realised, finally, how stressed I was and the link between my back pain & my stress levels.

Over the next few years I trained & qualified as a mindfulness teacher with the Breathworks CIC in the UK. Since then I have taught over 100 mindfulness courses, trained mindfulness teachers in the Breathworks teacher training program in the UK, Ireland and Australia, I have led retreats, spoken at International conferences, supervised mindfulness teachers and continue to hone my skills as a mindfulness teacher.

Will that happen to you if you learn to practice mindfulness? Will your life change and/or improve? In my experience, the majority of people who complete one of my courses state that it has changed their life for the better. Each one has a unique story to tell and each one has seen different results in their own life - whether that be with their health, fitness, well-being, job satisfaction, improved close relationships, less pain, reduced requirement for analgesia, rippling out into the world as they get their lives back (not everyone but for those who felt their lives were over, this changed dramatically).

I have taught in schools to staff & students, I have taught in hospitals and care homes, I have presented workshops to charities for cancer, chronic pain, endometriosis, tinnitus, HIV and others. All of the participants have reported an improvement - even if that comes from a change in perspective that allows them to be more self-compassionate or accepting - and this, for many is the beginning of another level of change in their lives.

I teach mindfulness using an 8 week course format, we meet for 2-3 hours per week and learn how the use of formal & informal mindfulness practices can be introduced into your life. I also run weekly meditation sessions and bespoke workshops to suit my various clients. I specialize in delivering Mindfulness training to NHS staff and am about to run my 19th & 20th courses for healthcare workers in the West Midlands.

I have CPD with Breathworks as well as having trained with the Mindfulness in Schools project to teach the .b program and its Foundations course, plus Positive Neuroplasticity training with Rick Hanson, Compassion Focused Training & Depression with Prof Paul Gilbert and I completed a Mental Health First Aid course in St. John of Gods, Dublin recently. I practice according to the Good Practice Guidelines of the UK Network of Mindfulness-Based Teachers.

I invite you to get in touch and begin your journey, or your organisations mindfulness journey today. There’s no time like the present.

City located: Birmingham

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