I came to  mindfulness to help me live my busy life with less stress and anxiety and more peace and enjoyment. The Breathworks Mindfulness for Stress course really helped me and I went on to train as a Breathworks teacher, qualifying in 2012.

I regularly teach Breathworks Mindfulness for Stress courses and have taught Breathworks Mindfulness for Heath courses to people with a range of health conditions. I also teach the Mindfulness Association’s Compassion Based Living Course, I trained with the Mindfulness Association as part of an MSc in Mindfulness Studies. I love teaching mindfulness and compassion courses and watching participants benefit and grow in positive ways as they engage with the practices and learn how to reduce their suffering. 

As well as running courses for the public I deliver mindfulness training and workshops in businesses, charities, schools and universities. I am a guest lecturer on the University of Coventry’s MSc in Mindfulness and Compassion.


  • MSc Mindfulness and Associated Concepts (compassion and insight), University of Aberdeen, 2017
  • BA Hons., Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Warwick, 1994
  • Further and Adult Teachers’ Certificate, City and Guilds, 1994
  • Breathworks accredited teacher
  • Mindfulness Association qualified teacher (Mindfulness Based Living Course and Compassion Based Living Course)
  • Mindfulness in Schools training for staff .b (Foundations) and younger children (Paws .b).

Teaching Specialisms and Interests

  • Mindfulness for Stress (general populations) 
  • Compassion training (general populations)
  • Workshops and training in organisations including charities, businesses, schools and universities.
  • I have a particular interest in helping people to engage with kindness and compassion practices. This interest grew out of my own initial difficulties with the kindness practices and also from noticing that it was not uncommon for others to experience difficulties with these practices. For my MSc thesis I  undertook research into participants’ experiences of the kindness and compassion element of a Breathworks Mindfulness for Stress course. I learned a lot about blocks and barriers to compassion and about how to work with these. I was gratified to find that even when kindness and compassion practices are initially difficult for course participants, over time they can bring significant benefits for participants themselves and for those in their lives. 

Supervision areas

  • Breathworks Mindfulness for Stress
  • Mindfulness teaching with an emphasis on self-compassion and compassion

Personal practice

I have practiced mindfulness regularly since 2007. My practice includes Mindfulness of Breathing, Resting in Awareness and compassion practices. I bring mindfulness and compassion to my experience during my days. I belong to a Sanga and attend regular retreats; these have included retreats with Breathworks, Gaia House and the Mindfulness Association delivered by respected teachers. I am deeply interested in the Buddhist and Western psychology that underpin mindfulness and compassion, hence my MSc studies and other ongoing learning.

Location: Stratford-upon-Avon

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